An Archive of Email Forwards - ©Ouija Cat '98-'01

Does your Chinese Astrology decribe who you are ??
 Rat: year 1960, 1972,       1984, 1996 
 - charming
 - understanding
 - genious
 - talkative
 - sincere
 - popular
 - inteligent
 Greatest Affinity: dragon & monkey
 Greatest Enmity: horse
 Ranking: 1st
 Hours ruled by the rat: 11 pm - 1 am
 Direction of it's sign: N
 Season & Principle Month : Winter December
 Corosponds to Westernsign: Sagittarius
 Fixed Element: water
 Stem: positive
 Ox: years: 1961, 1973,      1985, 1997
 - tenacious
 - stubborn
 - dogmatic
 - hardworker
 - down-to-earth
 - strong willed
 - bright
 - dependable
 - calm
 - patient
 - good listener
 - fair minded
 - methodical
 Greatest Affinity: Roosters & Snake
 Grreatest Enmity: Sheep
 Ranking order: 2nd
 Hours Ruled by the Ox:      1 am - 3am
 Direction of sign: N & NE
 Season & Principle month: Winter Janurary
 Corosponds to Western Sign: Capricorn
 Element: Water
 Stem: Negative
 Tiger: years: 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998
 - courageous
 - noble
 - alerat
 - powerful
 - fearless
 - passionate
 - agressive
 - daring
 - sensitive
 - unpredictable
 - prepared
 - short tempered
 Greatest Affinity: dog, horse
 Greatest Enmity: monkey
 Ranking Order: 3rd
 Hours ruled by the tiger: 3 am - 5 am
 Direction of Sign: E & NE
 Seasonal & Principle month: winter Februrary
 Corrosponds to Western      Signs: Aquarius
 Element: wood
 Stem: Positive
 Rabbit/ Cat: years: 1963, 1975, 1987
 - virtuous
 - good mannered
 - kind
 - sensitive
 - talent
 - affectionate
 Greatest Affinity: sheep, boar
 Greatest Enmity: rooster
 Rank: 4th
 Hours Ruled by the rabbit/ cat : 5 am - 7 am
 Direction of Sign: E
 Season & Principle Sign: spring March
 Corrosponds to Western      Sign: Picses
 Element: wood
 Stem: Negative   
 Dragon: years: 1964, 1976, 1988
 - lucky 
 - stubborn
 - generous
 - passionate
 - full of strength
 - willing
 - soft hearted
 - born leaders
 - perfetionists
 - much will power
 - energenic
 Greatest Affinity: rat & monkey
 Greatest Enmity: dog
 Rank: 5th
 Hours Ruled by the Dragon: 7 am- 9 am
 Direction of Sign: E & SE
 Seasonal & Principle month: spring April
 Corrosponds to Western      Signs: Aries
 Element: Wood 
 Stem: Positive
 Snake: years: 1965, 1977, 1989
 - wise
 - powerful
 - good mannered
 - successful
 - loner
 - quiet
 - strong will
 - high tempered
 Greatest Affinity: rat & monkey
 Greatest Enmity: Dog
 Rank: 6th
 Hours Ruled by the Dragon: 9am- 11am 
 Direction of Sign: S &      SE
 Season & Principle Sign: spring May
 Corrosponds to Western      sign: Taurus
 Element: fire
 Stem: negative
 Horse: year: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990
 - independent
 - active
 - energenic
 - impatient
 - cheerful
 - envious
 - firery temper
 - popular
 - cheerful
 - flattering
 - talkative
 - unpredictable
 - friendly
 - attractive
 Greatest Affinity - tiger, dog
 Greatest Enmity- rat
 Rank- 7th
 Hours ruled by the horse: 11am - 1pm
 Dicrection of Sign- S
 Season & Principle month - summer June
 Corrosponds to Western sign - Gemini
 Element- Fire
 Stem - Positive
 Sheep/ Goat: years: 1967, 1979, 1991 
 - artistic
 - elegant
 - charming
 - good mannered
 - dreamer
 - romantic
 - sincere
 - sweet
 - darling
 - easy going
 - prefectionist
 - creative
 - timid
 - compassionate
 Greatest Affinity - rabbit, boar
 Greatest Enmity - ox
 Rank - 8th
 Hours ruled by the sheep/goat: 1pm-3pm
 Direction of sign-  S & SW 
 Season & Principle month: summer- July
 Corosponds to Western sign - Cancer
 Element- fire
 Stem- negative
 Monkey: year: 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992
 - fanciful
 - generous
 - egar to learn
 - clever
 - creative
 - intelligent
 - fast learner
 - popular
 - cheerful
 - energenic
 Greatest Affinity: ox, snake
 Greatest Enmity: rabbit
 Rank: 9th
 Hours ruled by the monkey: 3pm- 5pm
 Direction of sign- W & SW
 Season & Principle Month: summer August
 Corrosponds to Western Sign: leo
 Element- metal
 Stem- negative
 Rooster: years: 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993
 - candid
 - dauntless
 - handsome/ beautiful
 - profound
 - inteligent
 - selfish
 - lonely
 Greatest Affinity: ox,      snake
 Greatest Enmity:rabbit
 Rank - 10th
 Hours ruled by the Rooster - 5pm - 7pm
 Direction of Sign: W
 Seasonal & Principle month: autum September
 Corrosponds to Western      sign: virgo
 Element - metal
 Stem- negative
 Dog: years: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994
 - realistic
 - generous
 - honest
 - intelligent
 - straight forward
 - loyal
 - faithful
 - sincere
 Greatest Affinity - tiger, horse
 Greatest Enmity - dragon
 Rank - 11th
 Hours ruled by Dog - 7pm - 9pm
 Direction of sign - N & NW
 Season & Princple month: autum October
 Corrosponds to Western      sign - Libra
 Element: metal
 Stem: Positive 
 Boar/ Pig: year: 1959,      1971, 1983, 1995
 - honest
 - passive
 - exclusive
 - simplic
 - jealous
 - involved
 - good fortune
 - gallant
 - sturdy
 - courageous
 - pure
 - tollerant
 - honor
 Greatest  Affinity: rabbit, sheep
 Greatest Enmity: snake
 Rank: 12th
 Hours ruled by the Boar- 9pm - 11pm
 Direction Sign- N & NW
 Season & Principle month - autum- November
 Corrosponds to Western      sign: Scorpio
 Element: Water
 Stem: negative

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