An Archive of Email Forwards - ©Ouija Cat '98-'01

(prepared and presented by males)

1. Are You Ready to Leave?: Definition of the Word YES
2. Appropriate Rhetorical Questions (formerly titled  "Honey, Do I Look Fat?")
3. Elementary Map Reading
4. Crying and Law Enforcement
5. Advanced Math Seminar: Programming Your VCR
6. You CAN Go Shopping for Less than 4 Hours
7. Gaining Five Pounds vs. The End of the World: A Study in Contrast
8. The Seven-Outfit Week
9. PMS: It's YOUR Problem, Not Mine (formerly "It's Happened
   Monthly Since Puberty: Deal With It")
10. Driving : Makeup and Driving: It's As Simple As Oil and Water
11. Beyond "Clean and Dirty": The Nuances of Wearable Laundry
12. Joys of the Remote Control: Reaping the Benefits of 50+ Channels
13. We Forget Birthdays, You Forget Sports Stats: LET'S LET IT DROP
14. Know When to Say When: The Limits of Makeup
15. Telephone Translations (formerly titled "Me Too Equals I Love You")
16. Yes, You Too Can Buy Condoms (formerly titled "WE learned
    to deal with the embarrassment")
17. Gift-giving Fundamentals (formerly titled "Fabric Bad,
    Electronics Good")
18. Putting the Seat Down By Yourself: Potential Energy
    is on Your Side
19. MYOB: Proper Response to Other Couple's Public Arguments
20. The Penis: His Best Friend Can Be Yours Too
21. Your Mate: Selfish Bastard, or Victimized Sensitive Man?

(prepared and presented by females)

1. You, Too, Can Do Housework
2. PMS: Learn When to Keep Your Mouth Shut
3. Changing Your Underwear: It Really Works
4. How to Fill an Ice Tray
5. We Do Not Want Sleazy Underthings for Christmas: Give us Money
6. Helpful Postural Hints for Couch Potatoes
7. Wonderful Laundry Techniques (formerly titled "Don't Wash my Silks")
8. Parenting: No, It Doesn't End With Conception
9. Get a Life: Learn to Cook
10. Techniques of Calling Home
11. Spelling: Even You Can Get it Right
12. "The Weekend" and "Sports" are Not Synonymous
13. The Remote Control: Overcoming Your Dependency
14. How to Put the Toilet Lid Down (formerly titled "No, It's Not a Bidet")
15. How to Stay Awake After Sex-Afterglow, Hold Me, Talk to Me
16. Why it is Unacceptable to Relieve Yourself Anywhere but the Bathroom
17. Garbage: Kitchen to Curbside
18. You Can Fall Asleep Without IT If You Really Try
19. The Morning Dilemma-If  IT's awake: Take A Cold Shower
20. Seeing the True You (formerly titled "No, You Don't Look Like Mel Gibson
   When Naked")
21. Introductory Foreplay: The Drive Home Does Not Count.

Men and Women | Work & Occup. | School & Educ. | Medical | Computer
Self Analysis | Fact & Fallacy | Religion/Holidays | Just Jokes | Misc