An Archive of Email Forwards - ©Ouija Cat '98-'01

Subject: Fw: lucky charms
Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 1:10 PM

Don't cheat! Before you read on . . . choose your favorite Lucky
Charm marshmallow bit  from the list below . . .

Pink hearts
Yellow moons
Orange stars
Green clovers
Blue diamonds
Purple horseshoes
Those icky oat bits

Ok. Have you got one in mind? Now you can read on. And don't

Amazing new study shows that your favorite Lucky Charms marshmallow
bit shape determines what you're like in bed! Yes, it's true--just
take this simple test to determine your true bedroom personality:

GREEN CLOVERS: If your favorite Lucky Charms marshmallow shape is
the green clover, you're a happy-go-lucky type in bed. You don't
take anything too seriously in the bedroom or elsewhere.  Green
clovers always manage to have a good time, even if they don't 
have someone else with them.
Favorite body part:  hands.  Green clover occupations:  professional
college student, environmental activist, waitperson.

BLUE DIAMONDS: If your favorite marshmallow shape is the blue
diamond, your thoughts in bed are mostly about what you'll get
later. "If he really enjoys this, will he buy me that mink coat?" 
or "Do I have to sleep over after this?" is probably what's 
going through your mind. People who like blue diamonds are 
most likely to watch tv whilemaking love, and sex is not much 
more than a good workout. 
Favorite body part: arms/legs. Blue diamond occupations:  
accountant, homemaker, researcher. 

ORANGE STARS: If your favorite shape is the orange star, you expect
to be the center of attention in bed. You expect your partner to
spend most of
his or her time pleasing you and enthusiastic moaning if not
applause. People who like orange stars often have mirrors around
to be able to watch
the action and have exhibitionist tendencies.  Favorite body
part: face. Orange star occupations:  marketing, actor, doctor.

PINK HEARTS: If you like pink hearts, you're the romantic type. You
like your partner to whisper romantic phrases into your ear, and, if
they are too distracted to form coherent phrases, you'll settle
for hearing your
name.  Pink hearts like to cuddle and sleep on flannel sheets.
Favorite body part:  lips.  Pink heart occupations: teacher,
nurse, barry manilow. 

YELLOW MOONS:  If you like yellow moons, you're a wolf-man or
wolf-woman in
bed.  You often howl at the moon, and your favorite positions
are definately primal.  Excess body hair might be a problem.  Yellow
moons sleep in the nude even in sub-zero temperatures.  Favorite
body part: breasts.  Yellow moon occupations:  construction
worker, stockbrocker, policeman/woman.

PURPLE HORSESHOES:  If you like purple horseshoes, you're the
kinky type. You enjoy satin sheets, handcuffs and art gallery
openings. Your partners
tend to resemble you, and others may question at times if you
play for the
other team.  Purple horseshoes like to watch porno movies to get
in the mood. Favorite body part:  penis.  Purple horsehoe
occupations: lawyer, movie producer, rock musician.

ICKY OAT BITS:  If you like icky oat bits, you don't have much,
if any, experience in bed.  You are a little nerdy, but good at
heart and tend to be the pocket-protector type.  Icky oat bit types
have never tasted the sweeter side, but are eager to learn from an
experienced teacher. 
Favorite body part:  feet.  Icky oat bit occupations:  engineer, xerox
repairperson, telemarketer.

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